Most pieces in our collection are available to rent depending our agreement with the artist’s estate. Send us a list and we’ll determine which pieces are cleared for use. If something is not available we can help find a suitable alternate within the collection. Images and relevant details can be provided to you by email in pdf format if needed.
Our rental fee is 20% of the retail price for two weeks. Pricing for longer rental periods are listed below. A credit card and a signed agreement are required. Items must be returned in the exact same condition as they were originally packaged, shipped, or handed over. Pick-up, hanging, and return of the pieces is the responsibility of the renter.
2 Weeks |
20% of the purchase price |
1 Month |
25% of the purchase price |
2 Months |
35% of the purchase price |
On-Approval Loans
On-approval loan durations are determined on a case-by-case basis. Items must be guaranteed by a credit card, which will not be charged unless the piece does not return or does so with damages.